Believe it or not, it's swim pool season! Maybe not in your backyard or neighborhood pool, but it's prime time for companies that have anything to do with the swim pool industry. And that means us! EP Minerals' Celatom diatomaceous earth (DE) swim pool filter powder and CelaPool low dust DE swim pool filter media are the "go to" filtration products for swimming pools. We're out on the road talking it up with our swim pool industry friends.
This week it's the Everything Under The Sun Expo in Orlando. Then it's on to the Western Pool Show in Long Beach. Farmers Almanac is predicting a drier, warmer summer this year, so it sounds like folks need to stock up early on diatomaceous earth swim pool filter powder. That and blowup floaties and sunscreen!
We're excited to talk about our swim pool filtration products for a few reasons. We've known for decades that diatomaceous earth (DE) swim pool filter powder produces the clearest, sparkling clean pools. But that powdery DE has also been known for being messy and hard to handle. That can put a damper on pool care. Who wants to clean up powdery white stuff around your beautiful swimming pool? Well, we took that problem to heart, and guess what? Problem solved! Our R&D team put on their super smart innovation hats and, voila - EP Minerals now has a patent-pending LOW DUST diatomaceous earth filter powder - CelaPool!
Our CelaPool swim pool filter powder is less messy, easy to handle and comes in thermally sealed bag.
Watch it in action here: CelaPool Low Dust diatomaceous earth swim pool filter powder
“For years, we listened to swim pool professionals complain about the dustiness of our swim pool diatomaceous earth filter powder, even though they knew that DE was the most effective for creating a crystal clear and clean pool,” said Amy Weaver, EP Minerals’ swim pool product manager. “Now we have a low dust product that addresses that issue, and we’ve received a lot of great feedback on it. There’s nothing else like CelaPool in the market today,” Weaver added.
Watch the side by side comparison: Traditional swim pool DE vs. CelaPool low dust DE
CelaPool comes in a leak-proof thermally sealed plastic bag, for cleaner handling and storage in two different sizes: 6 lb. and 24 lb. “Not only did we address the DE dust problem, we created a better package for the product with the thermally sealed bags. The new plastic bags hold up great in wet areas like around a swimming pool,” said Weaver.
Looking forward to seeing you at one of the swim pool shows!