Recently, Harrison Fish, a 13-year-old Boy Scout with Troop 89 in Atlanta, GA, approached EP Minerals with a donation request for landscape project for the Calvary Children’s Home in Powder Springs, GA - as his Eagle Scout Project. Calvary Children’s Home had made a specific request to Harrison’s Boy Scout troop for help to improve the aesthetics of their property to create a more pleasant campus for the kids, donors, and workers.

Harrison took on the challenge which included landscaping around a sewer drain and parking lot.

Harrison submitted an eight-page plan to EP Minerals for his project, requesting a donation of Axis Ceramic soil amendment and a contribution for the plants and supplies that he would need.

EP Minerals gives back to help families in need and especially children, so we were happy to help.

Harrison chose a combination of arborvitae, Japanese holly, miniature and large azaleas and Cleyera for his landscaping. He chose the Axis Ceramic soil amendment because of its moisture holding and root growth properties. Read what our customers say about Axis soil amendment

Calvary Children's Home was looking for a low water, low maintenance landscape solution, so Axis was a good choice for the soil and plants. The Axis Ceramic was mixed in with soil before the plants were put in and Harrison used pine straw on top to also retain water for the plants.

Harrison and scout friends and family completed the landscape project a few weeks ago and the Calvary Children's Home (www.calvarykids.org) couldn't be happier. And, a week ago, Harrison became an Eagle Scout. Congratulations, Harrison!