Incredible Minerals Today

Company Culture at EP Minerals: 25 Reasons Why We’re Different

Posted by Julie Brown

Nov 23, 2015 3:36:00 PM


At EP Minerals, we’re not like any other company. We’re different. And we think that’s a very good thing.

What exactly do we mean by that? We’re different in how we treat our customers, different in how we work with each other and our suppliers, and different in what we do and how we do it. We not only believe in being a good company to work for and a good corporate citizen in the communities where we live and operate, but we also believe in being a good environmental steward in how we conduct our business.

Every day, we commit to our mission: to provide our customers with the highest quality industrial minerals and deliver them with amazing customer service and technical expertise.

We have our guiding principles for how we do business: We call it the EP Way.

Our ability to deliver on our Mission is embedded in our unique culture, best described by our 25 Fundamentals-the EP Way. It’s what makes EP Minerals different than any other company. These principles guide all of us in how we conduct ourselves, how we make decisions and how we do business every day. Click here to learn more about the EP Way: 25 Fundamentals

Every week, we kickoff with one of the Fundamentals and focus on that throughout the week. It’s the way we start our meetings throughout the company, and employees offer up their examples of the fundamental in action.

Our employees tell us that the EP Way Fundamentals really do help them do their jobs better, simply because they have guidelines that help them make the right decisions.

Starting this week, we’re going to share our Fundamental of the Week with you, just like we do with our employees. Each week, we’ll put out the Fundamental of the Week in social media. Please join us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or Google+.  Let us know what you think and how that Fundamental might be important in what you do. We want to hear from you.

Interested in joining the EP team and becoming part of the EP Way? Check out our Job Openings.

Topics: EP Way


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